Greenhouse Misting
Greenhouse misters are used in greenhouse to increase humidity and or to cool the greenhouse. The important point when misting a greenhouse is to spray with the smallest droplet size possible. Because of this we now only stock the Coolnet Foggers as these produce a spray of 50 microns.
Coolnet fogger use the Eindor push fit fitting. These are 6 bar rated and can be pushed in to LDPE ( Low Density Polyethylene) pipe. LDPE pipe can be quickly run around the greenhouse making this a simple and cheap water distribution system. You may however rather use a rigid hanging pipe made from PVC and with the threaded converters these can quickly and easily be hung from the roof of the poly tunnel or greenhouse making the perfect water system for cooling the greenhouse or increasing the humidity
How do they work
Misters produce a very fine spray (50 microns) This spray when it sprays on to you hardly feels wet, a bit like restaurants abroad who spray water near outside tables. Because the spray is so find it rapidly evaporates and increases the humidity inside the greenhouse or the poly tunnel. This helps the plant by balancing out the temperature and for most plants keeps the leaves from scorching. There can be additional benefits with longer periods of misting with crops that you suspect are being attacked by red spider as red spider is partially or completely controlled with water on the leaves. It is important to wet both the top and the bottom of the leaf and this is why misters at the correct height offer quite dramatic control particularly in tomatoes